I met Assad and his wife in 2009, before he turned to mass murder
Christopher Hitchens called him the human toothbrush. The writer recalled Hannah Arendt's phrase the "banality of evil" when he remembered meeting another dictator, Argentina's General Videla. But it applied equally well to Bashar al Assad.
Sunday 8 December 2024 16:07, UK
Bashar al Assad started out as a doctor and ended up a mass murdering tyrant now on the run.
The man who trained to save lives in Damascus and London would go on to take them in their hundreds of thousands, bombing hospitals and gassing his own people.
He was a strangely unimpressive man to meet. Tall, slightly gauche, with a lisp and thin tufty moustache.
Christopher Hitchens called him the human toothbrush. The writer recalled Hannah Arendt's phrase the "banality of evil" when he remembered meeting another dictator, Argentina's General Videla. But it applied equally well to Mr Assad.
He was ordinary, more oddball than evil, with a high-pitched awkward laugh.
Read more: Syria latest updates
It was a very different time in a very different Syria when Mr Assad and his wife invited Sky News to Damascus. We went on a walkabout with them on a warm spring evening in 2009.
Barack Obama had just been inaugurated president in America. In his reedy voice, Mr Assad said he would like to invite the young president to Syria, via Sky News. He almost giggled as he said it. His British-born wife beamed at his side.
Back then everything seemed possible but just two years later Syria erupted in protest caught up in the contagion of the Arab Spring. Mr Assad would respond with brutal force. That fateful decision put Syria on the path to a devastating civil war.
Mr Assad had become president unexpectedly and it seemed reluctantly.
His elder brother Bassel had been groomed for the job. He was everything Bashar wasn't, good looking and confident, a special forces soldier, his father's favourite. But Bassel died in a car crash.
Did Mr Assad's ruthlessness later spring partly from sibling resentment? Was he needing to prove himself to his domineering dead father to be as strong as his brother? Did the weaker, overlooked Bashar overcompensate for his inadequacies with the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands?
Read more analysis:
Assad's two closest allies decided to throw him 'under the bus'
Russia and Iran are unlikely to abandon Syria - what comes next is of great concern
Take the Roys of Succession and add weapons
The Assads were quite the family. Take the Roys of Succession and add weapons, both chemical and biological.
Hafez, the cold calculating patriarch whose achievement of seizing power in Syria and dominating it for decades was threatened by his scheming, weaker children.
Bashar, the brooding heir, and Maher, his psychotic, deranged brother who has personally overseen much of the regime's reign of terror.
When his father died in 2000, Mr Assad was called back from London, cutting short his career as an eye doctor to succeed him. At first he promised reform. The country seemed to be opening up.
Assad's wife was part of the act
Mr Assad's telegenic wife, Asma, brought up in West London by Syrian parents, was part of the act, presenting a modernising future. She was much better at it than her husband, a natural in front of the cameras.
She told me she had travelled the country incognito after her husband took power, to help him understand its needs.
They were a normal middle-class couple she said, who loved nothing better than surprising Damascenes by popping up in restaurants on date nights in the capital.
Vogue magazine was pilloried later for calling Ms Assad Syria's "Desert Rose" but it was not the only one taken in. There was in those days a genuine sense Syria was on a new path. Perhaps Mr and Mrs Assad believed it too.
But in the background, repression and corruption never went away.
Mr Assad was handing out lucrative privatisation contracts to cronies and family. The Assads' secret police were stifling dissent as brutally as before.
The eruption of civil war
Two years after that invitation to Mr Obama, Mr Assad was forced to choose between a new way forward and the repressive ways of his father.
Children had been arrested in the southern city of Deraa for protests inspired by the Arab Spring sweeping the region. The police tortured them, killed them and returned their mutilated bodies.
Protests engulfed the south. The Assad regime seemed uncertain at first how to respond. If there was an attempt at conciliation, it was shortlived.
Mr Assad returned to old family tactics. In 1982, his father Hafez had slaughtered thousands in the city of Hama after an uprising there.
Peaceful protests erupted across the country. Mr Assad ordered his security forces to crush them, opening fire on peaceful unarmed crowds. His brother Maher was filmed doing so personally.
Ultimately, Syrians had little choice but to resort to arming themselves. The uprising mutated into armed rebellion. Then outside powers joined in, turning the conflict into both a proxy and civil war.
Assad could never afford to lose
Mr Assad was all in. From the minority Alawite sect, he could never afford to lose.
Desperate to prevail, he resorted to more and more desperate methods. Thousands of barrel bombs were dropped from helicopters. And then chemical weapons; chlorine gas, sarin and mustard.
Opponents disappeared in their tens of thousands into jails, where torture, sexual abuse and mass hangings were commonplace.
Mr Assad could never have held on without his allies. Russia in the air and Iran on the ground. Their support swung the war in his favour, the rebels kettled into the northwest of the country, a killing zone in the province of Idlib.
Assad's rotten and hollow regime has folded
The conflict seemed frozen for years but Mr Assad's enemies have used the time to re-arm and learn new tactics and discipline.
His allies were distracted, Russia in Ukraine and Iran was weakened by events in Lebanon.
Mr Assad, the young eye doctor with the glamorous British wife, had become an evil murderous despot, perverted and corrupted utterly by power.
His rule lost all legitimacy years ago. Rotten and hollow, without external support, his regime has folded, a lesson to others, not least his allies, in Moscow and Tehran.
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It has taken years and cost hundreds of thousands of lives but Syrians have finally overthrown their hated dictator. The dynasty Mr Assad's father thought he was building has collapsed.
Mr and Mrs Assad may find refuge abroad, but the fate of the rest of their dreadful family remains unknown.